1.In Bangladesh, she had been given scant medical care; in Washington, a counselor implied that she was to blame for the attack.
2.Often one to shirk personal accountability, Argente was more than willing to blame others for his shortcomings and mistakes.
3.Likening strong fluctuations in global currencies to a rollercoaster ride, Mr Wen said China was not to blame for that volatility.
4.It's easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes taking place in our ever-changing world.
5.Afterward the poor man was as quiet as a mouse and said nothing at all, thinking that it was his fault, that he was to blame.
6.In her memoirs, Mrs Merkel might well say that Mr Cameron was to blame if it came to this.
7.It would be easy to blame the hospitals for shaking down their patients at the front door, but they have to grab money where they can.
8.Some people may be able to blame their beer bellies at least partially on genes, a new study out of Sweden suggests.
9.The injury was partly to blame for her split with Gutierrez in 2000, she said.
10.Despite the fact that the Sun has been virtually asleep, embarrassingly quiet, they are on cue getting ready to blame it all on the Sun.